PetSafe Spray Bark Control Citronella and Unscented Collar
- In stock
- Deters nuisance barking and whining
- Rechargeable, durable and water-resistant
- Replaceable spray refill cartridges
- 35-40 sprays per refill
System Includes:
- Spray Bark Collar
- USB Cable
- 2 spray cartridges â citronella and unscented
- Product Manual
How it Works: The PetSafe® Spray Bark Collar effectively deters nuisance barking when it is worn. The sound and vibration of your dogâs bark triggers the sensor, emitting a burst of spray. Heâll quickly learn to associate his barking with the spray correction and will stop the unwanted behavior. The collar works with Unscented or Citronella spray cartridges. Both spray options are safe and will distract your dog and interrupt the unwanted behavior